Neither food nor drink is permitted at examination desks and not to be consumed in test center. Candidates with special dietary/nutritional needs relating to a medical condition (e.g., diabetes) should make prior arrangements as outlined in the NBEO Test Accommodations. Smoking is not permitted in the test center at any time. Use of a mobile phone (including ringing) or other communication device to make or receive calls is not permitted once a candidate has entered a test center.
Cheating, collaboration, and/or other disruptive behavior during an examination are strictly prohibited. In order to promote independent candidate test taking, NBEO utilizes two different forms of the answer sheet. Candidates in adjacent seats record their responses on different answer forms. In addition, examination proctors have been instructed to adhere strictly to NBEO policies to prevent collaborative behavior, and to detect and report it if it occurs. In order to attain optimal test administration conditions, proctors are directed to change, at their discretion, any candidate’s seat in order to minimize or eliminate environmental disruptions or annoyances including, but not limited to noise, a poor writing surface, ineffective lighting, and potential collaboration. Candidates should not interpret a requested seat change as harassment or an accusation of cheating.
NBEO examinations and all NBEO test items are the NBEO’s proprietary and confidential property and are protected by copyright laws. Any reproduction or distribution of NBEO test items is therefore not permitted and is subject to legal action.
All candidates are expected to read the Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement and agree to the following statement which is included in the application form. By submitting the application form it will be assumed that candidates agree to the following:
Cheating, collaboration, and/or other disruptive behavior during an examination are strictly prohibited. In order to promote independent candidate test taking, NBEO utilizes two different forms of the answer sheet. Candidates in adjacent seats record their responses on different answer forms. In addition, examination proctors have been instructed to adhere strictly to NBEO policies to prevent collaborative behavior, and to detect and report it if it occurs. In order to attain optimal test administration conditions, proctors are directed to change, at their discretion, any candidate’s seat in order to minimize or eliminate environmental disruptions or annoyances including, but not limited to noise, a poor writing surface, ineffective lighting, and potential collaboration. Candidates should not interpret a requested seat change as harassment or an accusation of cheating.
NBEO examinations and all NBEO test items are the NBEO’s proprietary and confidential property and are protected by copyright laws. Any reproduction or distribution of NBEO test items is therefore not permitted and is subject to legal action.
All candidates are expected to read the Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement and agree to the following statement which is included in the application form. By submitting the application form it will be assumed that candidates agree to the following:
By checking the following box and placing my name in the box below it, I signify my agreement to the following:
“I acknowledge that I have read all of the terms of the above Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement and that I understand such terms. I further acknowledge that I have read the entire NBEO Ethics Policy referred to above and that I understand such Ethics Policy. I agree to all of the terms of the above Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement as a condition to my registration for the exam, and I acknowledge that this agreement by me constitutes a legally binding contract with NBEO.
“I acknowledge that I have read all of the terms of the above Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement and that I understand such terms. I further acknowledge that I have read the entire NBEO Ethics Policy referred to above and that I understand such Ethics Policy. I agree to all of the terms of the above Candidate Exam Conduct and Exam Security Agreement as a condition to my registration for the exam, and I acknowledge that this agreement by me constitutes a legally binding contract with NBEO.
NBEO reserves the right to delete from scoring any test item which is determined by statistical analysis, or other means to have been exposed before the administration of the test. NBEO also reserves the right to cancel a test administration if it has been determined that the security of the examination was violated prior to its administration.