Report A Violation

NBEO considers a breach of the NBEO Ethics Policy a serious matter and requests that any violations be reported to NBEO. All allegations will be handled expeditiously through an explicitly defined procedure for enforcement, with confidentiality and due process.

NBEO enforces its Ethics Policy through the thorough investigation of complaints of violations and by taking disciplinary action against those found guilty of a policy violation. Consequences include, but are not limited to, the possible cancellation of the related board-exam score and the imposition of a bar from taking NBEO® examination(s) for a specific time interval.

To report a suspected NBEO Ethics Policy violation, please complete the Report an Ethics Violation form below and submit it. It is requested that all contact information be provided. The lack of analysis and resolution of an ethics violation may have significant effects, such as class-wide exposure to copyrighted NBEO examination items that can prevent an entire cohort of an institution's candidates from taking an NBEO exam at the appropriate time in the normal educational schedule. Ethics violations are best dealt with in expedient fashion to avoid widespread collateral inconvenience; this process is greatly enhanced if NBEO is able to get in touch with the individual who reports the violation.

All allegations are treated respectfully and confidentially. If you provide your contact information, you will receive a response within two weeks of submission of the allegation, at which time you will have an opportunity to provide additional information.

Click here to report a violation.